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Experience with a dash of technology.

Joel Ordesky has decades of experience as a proven leader of entertainment and technology driven companies. With the ability to leverage his experience as a network line producer for live television combined with experience as a C-level executive with companies with revenues from $10 mil to $35 mil, Joel is able to craft solutions that help companies not only get the job done but do so in a manner that creates better controls and business data while not increasing day to day friction.



Joel has a proven track record of helping companies gain better control over the information inherent in their operations while making the work that staff does routinely more straight forward and accessible.



Experience having implemented web-based solutions have shown Joel the value of putting the right information in the hands of the right team members in a collaborative environment while limiting the noise and distractions that often limit the team's success.


Let Joel show you how you can take your existing processes into a web-based and collaborative environment that will drive your initiatives rather than drag them down.

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